
Saturday, August 28, 2010

What's All This About A Mosque?

    This blog is going to be different from what I have done previously.  So far, all fourteen (Can you believe I have done fourteen blog posts?  Neither can I.) have been about movies or television.  And one was about HOBY.  I don't claim to be an expert in politics, and I don't watch the news very often, but this subject has been on my mind for sometime now, and I feel that I can no longer sit on my butt and keep silent.  I have decided to say something about it, and express my thoughts.  Hopefully you guys don't tar and feather me for writing on this controversial subject, and I hope we can still be friends.  :D
     A 100 million dollar mosque/community center has been proposed to be built in lower Manhattan.  It is being built in a lot that once contained a Burlington Coat Factory.  The issue that has everybody's blood boiling is that it is only 2 blocks from Ground Zero, where Muslim extremists flew planes into the Twin Towers, and later the Pentagon, killing nearly 3000, on September 11, 2001.  Proponents argue that it is within their right to religious freedom to build a mosque where ever they please, while opponents say it is offensive to those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.
    Now I don't have all the facts, and I don't claim to be an expert, so I'm just here to state my humble opinion.  Firstly, my hearts go out to the patriots who died that defending America, and their families, who's lives were forever changed.  It has not been forgotten.
    I can understand why people might view this as "offensive", and I respect their view.  But the first amendment to the Constitution clearly gives citizens the right to religious freedom.  It's one of the beliefs and freedoms that are country was founded.  Denying Muslims the right to build a church is not only in complete contradiction with the Constitution, but I find it offensive.  How is it that in this day and age that we are denying people a basic human right, that is denied to people all over the world, the right to religious freedom.  People have the right to worship where ever they please, and that includes New York City.
     Some people argue that there are no Christian churches in places like Saudi Arabia, and so why should America build mosques if they won't build churches.  To this I say, since when has America cared what the rest of the world done?  Shouldn't America have a higher standard of religious freedom then Saudi Arabia?  Shouldn't this be a place where people can come to worship however they please, and not worry about persecution?  This has nothing to do with 9/11 and sensitivity, and everything to do with Islam.  Americans, and other countries as well, are scared of Muslims, and have long been scared by people they don't "understand", and often try to keep them isolated and out of the public eye.  From slavery, the Trail of Tears, Japanese interment camps, The Holocaust, and racial wars in Rwanda, people are frightened by people who are different, and it is easier to fight them then to accept them.  Personally, I think building a mosque in New York might be good for this country, and help us to get over our "Islamophobia".  People like to group all Muslims in a little group, and associate all Muslims with the soulless people who caused 9/11.  Well, that is simply wrong.  Most Muslims condemn those actions, and it is a peaceful religion, and they have every right to worship in this great country as you and I.  Religious freedom is what has made this country great and prosperous for over 200 years, and it is sad to see it under attack by people who are just a little close-minded.
    Whether you agree with the mosque or not, I think everyone should respect their right to build wherever the please.  And not to mention, there already is a mosque in New York about 4 blocks away from Ground Zero, so it's not like this hasn't happened before.  I just think this issue is being blown way out of proportion to stir up controversy and make people angry because it is an election year.  So that's my humble opinion, and I hope you guys don't hate me.  I promise my next review will be a review of some kind.  Just had to get that off my chest.
Thanks for reading.  :)


  1. I agree Chris, its not that big of an issue!!

  2. Thanks Raj!
    I appreciate you taking the time to read it.
