
Saturday, September 18, 2010

HOBY Speech to the Women's Club

      On Tuesday September 14, 2010, I received the great fortune to give a speech about my HOBY experiences to the Women's Club of Linthicum, a local HOBY sponsor.  Two of my fellow North County High School HOBY Alumni, Nicole Jackson and Amanda Streeter, were also there to present their testimonials.  Here is the copy of my speech.
     "My name is Chris Frye.  I am a current 11th grader at North County High School and during Memorial Day Weekend 2010, I was fortunate enough to participate in HOBY 2010.  HOBY stands for Hugh O' Brian Youth.  Hugh O' Brian is most  famous for his classic T.V. show The Adventures of Wyatt Earp, which you may be familiar with.  Hugh O' Brian strated this organization to encourage stewardship and service among high school sophomores.  The conference has run annually in all 50 states for over 50  years.  There are over 180,000 alumni, including such distinguished individuals as former Republican presidential nominee Mike Huckabee.  He's a '71 HOBY.  HOBY strives for excellence and leadership in youth, and to encourage service in the community.  When I was asked to give a speech about HOBY, I was unbelievably ecstatic, but also incredibly nervous.  How can I sum up the astounding life-changing experience that was HOBY, in 5 minutes?  Impossible.  HOBY is impossible to explain to a "non-HOBY".  There is nothing like it on Earth.  I could talk about all the inspiring teachers, the provoking group sessions, the awe-inspiring talent show, all the great life skills I learned there.
     But events like these fade from memory, and are eventually forgotten.  I want to talk about something that never fades away.  Friendship.  Family.  Companionship.  Loyalty.  My good HOBY friend Matt Coplai was once asked "What does HOBY mean to you"?  And his simple words have really left an impression on me.  "HOBY means that I will always have a family".  I couldn't  have said it better myself.
     Never in my life have I ever felt closer to a group made up largely of strangers.  I feel a connection to these people that is more then just a platonic connection; it is something different.  It's almost as if we share one spirit, the "spirit of HOBY".  There are people that I met at the HOBY conference nearly 3 and a half months ago that I still talk to every single day.
     These are the kind of people that I can talk to whenever I need to, when I'm feeling down lonely or depressed.  The kind of people that are always there for me, no matter what.  How often can a guy say that?  True friends are very scarce these days, and many people go their entire live without having that one true friend, who is there for you no matter what, who will stay up with you and talk with you until 2 am about your problems, and will be there through the good times and bad.  Because of HOBY, I feel like I have nearly 200 of these friends, who are always there for me, through thick and thin, and whenever I need a hand.  I don't know about you, but that to me is very reassuring, and fills me with hope for the future of the world.
     I am very thankful for the HOBY experience.  It inspired me to be all that I can be, to be a leader among my peers, and to give back to my community.  It made me believe impossible things, and dream impossible dreams.  But most importantly of all, it gave me a family.  A family that doesn't just exist here in Maryland, or even in just this country, but all over the world.  There are "HOBYies" all over the world, numbering over 100,00.  And they are all part of the HOBY family, my family.  And that is what makes it all worthwhile, what rings most true for me.  HOBY, for me, means that I will always have a family.  Thank you.

I look so dorky in this video.  :O

   More and more frequently, I find that life surprises me.  I went to this event not expecting much, especially when I saw that the club was populated by older women.  I was in fact, the only male in attendance.  I didn't expect much from the event that day, and resigned myself to a boring day.  However, as this club meeting drew on and on, I enjoyed it more and more.  There is a lot that can be learned from the elderly, for they have many more years of life and experience then we silly youth.  What really left an impression on me was the closeness of this group of Women's Club of Linthicum.  It was really sweet, to see all these people to find comfort and companionship even in their old age.  I was also touched by their willingness to serve their community.  What excuse do I have to serve, when these 60+ years women are out there doing it?  Really inspiring.
    The sense of community also reminded me of HOBY.  A group of people coming together to organize events that improve their community?  Pretty much HOBY in a nutshell.  It just really made me hopeful for a future where me and my HOBY buddies are 60 years old, and still out there cleaning up sidewalks and picking up trash.
   I'm really glad I went to give my speech to the Women's Club of Linthicum.  It was a humbling and inspiring experience, and I hope to be asked back.  If any of you are reading this, thanks so much for the opportunity! I learned more from you then you did from me.

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