
Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 in Review

    I live an unbelievably blessed life.  I have a loving and caring family, great friends, have access to a great education, and am richer then probably 98% of the human race.  I keep getting surprised at the end of each year, but 2010 has been the best year of my life.  It had its triumphs and its downfalls, its accomplishments and heartbreaks, that all have molded me into the person I am becoming.  I believe that I have changed more in 2010 than I have in any other individual year, or my entire life for that matter.
    2010 was the year when I finally started forming my own opinions about the world.  Up until this point I pretty much believed everything my parents believed, just because they told me to.  I never formed opinions for myself.  This was the year that I finally began to look at the world through my own eyes, and in my own way.  I am not saying that what my parents believe are wrong, or what I believe is right, but this is the first time I did it on my own, which is helping bring me into adulthood.
    It was the year of my first major break-up.  I had never had a serious romantic relationship until 2009, and at this same time last year, I was in the prime of life, happily "in love" and looking forward to a bright future with my mate.  Then we broke up.  This may be over-dramatic and sentimental to some, but I thought it was the end of the world.  I was heartbroken and devastated, and I wasn't sure how I was supposed to forge on.  I kept clinging to that slight hope that we might potentially get back together, though my I knew in my heart that it wasn't to be.  Then, something amazing happened.  Life...went...on.  I overcame my swallow, and was able to move on towards other pursuits, and focus my energy elsewhere.  Other girls have come into my life, and I'm sure there will be more girls in my future.  It was hard to go through, but it taught me a valuable life lesson about what is really important in life.  There are so many advantages to being single, and teenage girls can just really make a guy confused.  And, as the saying goes, life, indeed, goes on...
    2010 was the year I broke my collarbone.  Man, what a blessing in disguise.  When I first found out I broke my collarbone, I was nearly in tears.  (Not from the pain mind you, I'm tougher than that.)  I was just devastated about all the lost opportunities.  I was finally the number one runner on my Cross Country team, just to have my season end after only two meets.  I wasn't going to be able to practice Lacrosse, and most importantly, I no longer had use of my right arm.  Those first weeks were rough, and I was constantly in pain. It was almost impossible to move around without hurting it.  As much as I love Cross Country, not doing it gave me time to pursue other interests, most importantly Homecoming and Key Club.  Had I been trying to balance Cross, SGA, and Key Club, I would have been a mess mentally, and Key Club would not have gotten off to a good of start as it did.
     This was the year I experience HOBY.  HOBY, for those of you that do not know, stand for Hugh O' Brian Youth, and is a seminar that takes place all across the country every year for high school sophomores.  There I learned how to truly be a leader, the importance of selflessness, and the wonder and magic of community service.  My life was forever changed from that weekend, and it has made me into a better person.  I met wonderful life long friends there, that are still a part of my life, long after the conference has ended.  It inspired me to do more for my community, and to start a volunteer club at my school, which has been an amazing blessing in my life.
    2010 was the year I started Key Club.  I have never felt so much pride about an accomplishment as I have about Key Club, but I refuse to take all the credit.  Without the wonderful people that have helped build along the way, my friends, the great officer team, and the best teacher of all time Ms. Bittman, it would not be nearly as successful as it is now.  To all the people involved in Key Club, I thank you very much for all you have done.  Not only have we done great things for the community, but the actions of you Key Club members has continued to humble me and amaze me.  Without you, Key Club would not exist.  Thank you.
    I could go on and on about what's happened to me this year, but it doesn't really matter.  I've met so many wonderful new people this year and made so many great friends.  I have experienced so many fantastic events, that have made shaped me to be a better and more caring person.  For me, 2010 was more than just the year that Butler lost to Duke, that Facebook reached 500 million users, or the year that "Obamacare" was released on the world.  It was the year of growth, the year of friendship, and the year of opportunity.  I learned more about life this year than any other year of my life, and it has shaped me into a "better" person
   A lot of people say "I hope 2011 is a good year" or "I hope 2011 is better than last year".  Yes, somethings are beyond control.  Illnesses, natural disasters, deaths, all are things that we have no control over.  But you can control your how you react to them.  There's this old saying that I think is really appropriate for this blog:

"Life is not about the hand you're dealt, but how you play it"

I think these are good words to live by.  So as I sit here, in the dawn of the new year, I am not going to hope for a great year.  I am going to make it happen.


  1. I can't wait to see what you do with your life Chris. You give me hope for this next generation and I hope my children grow up to be as awesome as you!!!

  2. Awesome dude. I had no idea that you started your school's Key Club!

  3. Thanks Ms. Kristi!
    @Charlie, yes I did. HOBY inspired me to do that
