As I now enter the double digit blogs (10 blogs, never thought I would do it. :D), I have decided to do a different blog then what I usually do. Instead of a review, I am making a list of the my five favorite television shows. This list is extremely limited, since most of the television shows I watch are new and haven't airing yet, I hope this list will encourage you to check out some shows you might not have seen yet.
5. The Soup
Host: Joel McHale
The Soup is the most unique show on this list. Not a drama or sitcom or even a reality show,The Soup is a show that currently airs on E! that shows clips of various television shows from the week (particularly reality shows), and makes fun of them. The host Joel McHale (Currently the star of NBC's Community airing Thursday nights at 8!), is hilarious, and his biting commentary is both hysterical and a satire of the current state of society. The show has regular "segments" such as "Chat Stew" which airs clips from talk shows, "Chicks, Man" which is primarily about female celebrity news, "Reality Show Clip Time!" which airs clips from reality shows, and "Clip of the Week" which is the most notorious, hilarious, and often disturbing and shocking clip from television that week. The show is currently in its 5th season of being hosted by McHale, and is one of the most popular shows on E!, despite being constantly ridiculed on the show.
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender
Starring: Zach Tyler Eisen- Aang, Mae Whitman- Katara, Jack DeSena- Sokka, Dante Basco- Zuko
Jessie Flower- Toph, Grey DeLisle- Azula, Mako- Uncle Iroh
I am undoubtedly going to get ridiculed for my placement of this show on my list, but I will stand by it and defend it to the death. My favorite show of my childhood, and even better as I rediscover it over and over. Unusual for a "children's" show to have both a complex mythology and to have a serial format, Avatar is a wonderful program enjoyable for parents and children. The show is about Aang, the Avatar, who is destined to protect the world by manipulating all 4 elements by "bending" them. He is joined in his quest for world balance by a close circle of allies, as well as a diverse cast of enemies. Avatar is enjoyable for children because of it's funny characters and exciting fantasy actions, while adults can enjoy it for it's overarching plots and deep characters. This is one of those shows that will make you laugh until you cry AND
just make you cry. Avatar has it all; exciting fantasy action, an original plot, 3-dimensional characters, a plot that carries on from episode to episode, and some of the funniest lines you will see on ANY show. Exceptional episodes include "The Storm", "Zuko Alone", "The Desert" "Crossroads of Destiny", and the 4 parter-finale "Sozin's Comet".
3. Arrested Development
Starring: Jason Bateman -Michael Bluth, Portia de Rossi- Lindsay Bluth, Will Arnett- Gob Bluth, Michael Cera- George Michael Bluth, Alia Shawkat- Maeby Bluth, Tony Hale- Buster Bluth, Jeffery Tambor- George Bluth, Jessica Walter- Lucille Bluth
Arrested Development is my favorite sitcom ever, and undoubtedly one of the greatest of all time. The sshow is a "riches to rags" story of the world's most dysfunctional family. After the family patriarch (George Bluth) is sent to prison for nefarious acts of business, his son (Michael Bluth) tries his best to keep the family from destroying itself from the inside out. This show is groundbreaking in terms of it's sense of humor; it often featured "cutaway" jokes, and for it's numerous pop culture references, many of them obscure. This is the funniest show I have ever watched. It takes more concentration and focus to understand and catch all the jokes then most sitcoms, which is something I like. I love re-watching the show and finding all these hidden jokes. This show makes me laugh, and makes me think. But most importantly, it makes me laugh, and that's what most important. This is the smartest funniest sitcom I have ever watched
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Starring: Sarah Michelle Gellar -Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon- Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan- Willow Rosenburg, Anthony Stewart Head- Rupert Giles, James Marsters- Spike, David Boreanaz- Angel, and many other various characters
This is the only show on this list where I have not finished watching all the episodes, but I am confident enough in the remaining episodes to place this show so high on the list. Some people will write this off as a mere fantasy show, but I assure you it is so much more then that. The show follows the adventures of the titular character Buffy Summers, who is destined to fight the forces of darkness as the Slayer, which endows her with superhuman strength and agility. She surrounds herself with a close circle of friends, known as the "Scooby Gang", who assist her in her quest to fight off vampires. She struggles to balance a normal teenage life with that of her Slayer duties. This is the most honest show about teenagers and growing up I have ever seen, despite the monsters. The thing that makes this show unique (And what makes creator Joss Whedon a genius), is that the monsters on the show (Vampires, demons, witches) aren't just used in a villian-of-the-week format. Each creature symbolizes an aspect of growing up. Probably the one the show is most famous for is when Buffy's vampire boyfriend, Angel, becomes evil after a "night of passion", which destroys his human soul, symbolizing how boyfriends often become jerks to their girlfriends after sex. By portraying the trials of growing up in a creative, unique, and entertaining format, Buffy the Vampire Slayer was more then just a show about fighting vampires. It was a show about people one could relate to, and went through the same problems we all did. They just kicked more butt and were funnier.
Since I have already written 2 blogs about this show, I will not go into much detail here. I would just like to reiterate my love for LOST. I watched this show obsessively, an obsession that many people would call "unhealthy". This show made me laugh, cry, scream, think, and cheer like no other show ever. I love this show like I love a person, and nothing will ever take its place as my favorite of all time. To get a more in-depth review, read my LOST Blog and LOST Finale Review.
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