I have seen a large amount of movies. But no movie has ever affected me like The Truman Show has. This movie makes me cry, laugh out loud, and shout with excitement, even after multiple viewings. This film does what many films try to do; reach into the soul of the viewer. I have never seen a character I can relate to more then Truman Burbank. Watching this movie makes it seem like my life is playing before me on the screen. When people ask me what my favorite movie is, I tell them about this movie. Most have not heard of it, and nothing makes me happier then introducing this movie to new people. It's fitting that my first positive movie review is for my favorite movie of all time, the Truman Show.
The Truman Show is about a man named Truman Burbank (played by Jim Carrey in his first non-comedic role), as the unknowing star of his very own reality show. His life is played out 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide to an audience of millions. He has no idea that all the people in his life, his family, friends and even strangers, are all actors as part of an massively elaborate attempt to keep his life as "normal" as possible. All of this is orchestrated by the shows's creator and runner Christof (Ed Harris in an Oscar-nominated role). Despite their best attempts from leaving his home, Truman wants to leave his small, isolated town and explore the world. Truman starts to discover his faulty existence, as he seeks to escape from his prison. The movie also stars Laura Linney and Noah Emmerich. The movie is expertly directed by Peter Weir (resulting in an Oscar nomination), and the Oscar-nominated script is written by Andrew Niccol.
Despite near universal acclaim and commercial success, I find this movie to be criminally underrated. This is easily one of the best movies of the past 10-15 years, and should be hailed as a masterpiece. The film explores many themes; the role of isolation, true love vs. fake love, dreams, and the most prevalent theme, how people try to control the world around them. Christof tries to force Truman to accept his conditions, the perfect world he has created for him. He tries to force him to love his town and never dream of leaving it. In spite of these restrictions, or perhaps because of them, Truman longs to explore the world, and discover all of its' mysteries. This has special significance for me. I often feel like I live in a smothered world; a world that is restricted and closed off. I often feel trapped and that I cannot get out. I long to see the world, to experience it for myself and live it for myself, instead of the molded world created for me. This is why I feel such a connection to Truman. He lived in a world literally closed off, and yet never gave up his dream to see the world. Even at his darkest time, when it looked like he could not escape, he never lost his drive and ambition. The Truman Show taps into the subconscious desire of people to live adventurous lives and that's why I feel it is such a popular movie.
In summary, I love love love love love love love love this movie. I could talk all day about why I love this movie, and what it means to me. I've probably seen this movie 5 or 6 times since the first time I watched it, and every time I watch it I discover something new about it. I fall in love with a little bit more each time. And this movie never fails to make me tear up, even just a little bit. One of the few movies I have ever seen that I consider perfect, and the one reason I consider Jim Carrey to be a consummate actor. 10/10
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